I like pedicures. I like them a lot. Getting a pedicure is a treat for your feet. Your feet that are stood on, pounded on, kicked on, stepped on and all around abused day in and day out. It's a beautiful experience. But, alas, pedicures are not free. I like free things, or at least practically free (remember?). So, I'm sad to say that I don't get pedicures as much as I wish I did. I even asked my FB friends to please donate some money so that I could get a pedicure. They didn't come through (don't worry, I won't hold it against you), well I should give a shout out to Jamie who offered up some of her old crusty nail polish. I told her that wasn't exactly what I meant by
donation. So, instead of going to a salon today and getting a pedicure I decided to just give one to myself. Now, it's not exactly the same experience and it's not exactly the same result. But, at least my toesies are pretty for the first week of school. It's supposed to be HOT this week, which means sandals FOR SURE and at least I will have pretty toes, wanna bet that a few of my new students will notice and comment?? I'll let you know :) Back to my toes. Here's the color I used:
What I didn't know when I bought this color today (btw, Sinful Colors is very cheap! $1.99 at Walgreens. Yep, I buy cheap or should I say thrifty??) is that it's a matte color, which was kinda cool but not what I wanted today, so a clear coat on top was all it took! Cheers to pedis both at the salon and at home! Happy polishing,
Mmm, boy do I love pedicures too! But you are right, they can be a bit spendy. I love this colour! I'm sure it looks fabulous :) I have accumulated quite the collection of cool colours lately, for the same reasons! It can be pretty great to do it at home too, especially if your hubby rubs your feet as part of the treat! :) haha