Monday, February 18, 2013

An update. Finally!

So, I am still here :) My presence on here has been pretty absent, but that's just the way it goes! What is new with me?? Well, for January I decided to stop eating sugar. I did let myself indulge every now and again. And to tell you the truth it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I do like my treats. Now that February is halfway over I must say that I am back to enjoying my treats but not as much as I used to... especially not as much as I indulged during December (isn't that what always happens). Let's see, what else.

Well, I also decided in January that I would focus again on getting more exercise into my life. Whenever I go back to work in September, exercise usually takes a back seat. I realize that's probably the worse thing I can do when I get busy and stressed - stop exercising. But in reality that is just the way it goes. I hit it hard in January again. I bought a few DVDs and (try to) make sure to exercise 4-5 days a week and (minus a few exceptions) I've stuck with it. In combination with cutting out most sweets I'm feeling pretty good about how my body is getting stronger. Want to know what DVDs I've been using? I spent most of January using Jillian Michael's Killer Buns and Thighs. This one:
To tell you the truth, it really stinks...but in the best way possible. Level 1 killed me. Level 2 really killed me. And level 3... well, yeah, killed me too. I actually prefer Level 3 over Level 2, not that it was easier but I enjoyed the exercises better. Unfortunately, like most people, after a month of doing the same DVD I got pretty bored with it. However, I was actually seeing results so I am really trying to stick with it. You know when you can mimic everything JM is saying you've done the DVD a few times. Now I rotate it with this JM DVD:
I've read some people's critique's on this DVD which have said they don't think it's very "Jillian" but I personally love this workout DVD. Yes, it's not as "Jillian" as some of her other workouts but that's probably why I like it so much. It's fun! And there are a whole group of girls doing it with her so it feels more like I'm taking a class with a bunch of friends. I am a big ball of grossed out sweat at the end (the DVD is broken into 3 workouts and I typically do 2 of them, one right after another for a total of 40 minutes). I am pretty sure I look like a complete fool trying to do all the punches and kicks but I don't care! Next up I'd like to try these:
And, I just heard about this on the Today show and it looks so fun! Combination of Pilates and Boxing:

Well, I suppose that's all for now. I'd say that's pretty good seeing as how I hardly ever blog anymore... I'd like to say I'll be better, but we'll see :)