Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Favorite #7

I've been trying to think of what today's Friday Favorite should be and I came up with a few ideas. I'm going to stick to another practical item that I can't live without. Well, I probably could but why would I try to live without something that I am in love with? It's lotion. I'm pretty much addicted to the stuff. I have a particular fondness for yummy smelling lotion from Bath & Body Works but even more so is my all time favorite... plain and white and unscented and yet truly magical. Cetaphil lotion. Yes, it's totally boring and yet completely satisfying. It fulfills all of my lotioning needs. It's just the right consistency, it doesn't leave my hands feeling chalky or dry, underlotioned or over lotioned. I've tried some lotions that are supposed to "absorb" why would I want my lotion to sink in? Isn't the point of lotioning to feel the lotion, feel the creaminess, to leave your hands feeling moistened. Those lotions that absorb just don't do it for me, it ends up feeling like I haven't used any lotion at all! Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want my cream to sit on top of my skin and feel slimy, but even worse are the ones that make your hands feel even more dry, like chalky. Yes, I've tried some lotions that do this. UGH! Not so with my Cetaphil. It's the perfect combination of thickness and creaminess, it absorbs the perfect amount making my hands feel just right. If you're in the market, I'd highly recommend it. (I also happen to use the Cetaphil Cleanser).
Happy Lotioning,

Pulled Over

It's exactly as it sounds. I got pulled over. Ya know, that's one of the worse feelings you can get, I think, you're just driving along minding your own business and the next things you know you see lights flashing in your mirror. Your heart either 1)stops or 2)speeds up. For me, it speeds up beating out of my chest. So, here's what happened. It was last Tuesday evening and Hubby and I were heading up to Eugene for a class we're taking. We were on 126 heading west towards West Eugene when it happened. The lights came one and I instinctively look at my speedometer. Yep going above the limit, but not by much. It was the kind of "going over the limit" that you wouldn't think you'd get pulled over for. But, I couldn't argue that I wasn't going over 55. Of course, I pull over and Hubby is saying something about how I was barely over 55. My heart is racing, I am already feeling horrible as we don't really have the extra money to pay for a ticket (by the way, the class we were heading to is a financial class!), I'm apoligizing and trying to get out all my stuff at the same time. I'm pretty sure I asked Hubbs to get my stuff out of the glove box, as I'm rolling down the window in anticipation. After a few moments the police officer comes up to the passenger side window bends down and immediatley starts apoligizing and saying something about how the license plate renewal sticker looked like an 11 but it's actually a 12...something about the reflection and glare...and we were free to go...sorry...nothing's wrong...on your way now. OH MY GOSH!! I couldn't believe it, well I could. I didn't really think I had done anything worth a ticket. But, still it gets your nerves going that's for sure! So thankful for honest police officers! Also, this is not the first time I've gotten pulled over for nothing... but that's for another day!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Favorite #6

Alrighty, it's Friday and I've missed a few so I was getting some blogging grief about not posting my Friday Favorites. At least I know someone is visiting my blog :) Ok, so today's favorite is all about bedtime, ahem... I should say sleeptime. I have always had a hard time falling asleep. I thought it was normal for it to take around 30 minutes to fall asleep. Apparently it is not. After I got married I discovered two things that I LOVE now and wished I had used before. To think of all the minutes I could have been sleeping!! It's very sad. One of them is earplugs. Who knew they were so amazing?? See the thing is is that I had tried them before and could never get them "to work" you know what I mean? I guess I just didn't know how to use them to insert them. In fact, I made my DH put them in my ears for the first few weeks of using them, then he finally encouraged me to figure it out myself. Guess what? I did! Now, I have to have them to sleep (mostly because hubbers snores. Shh... don't tell him I shared that!). I am not sure this is a healthy addiction, but for now it is a favorite! Ok, the second favorite for sleeptime is my eye mask. I've had this thing for a very long time and never used it, again... the shame of all the time wasted (awake) not using it! I am convinced that I have thin eyelid skin. Once again, I thought everybody could see light-ish even though there eyes were closed. This is why I always liked my bedroom really dark. BUT apparently not everyone is like that either! I've heard that some people close their eyes and voila, it's dark!! Not me. It's okay though because I have found my new found love in the eye mask. I don't have to use it every night, but I sure like to have it when I need it. Just a side note, it's super funny using it because when I wake up in the morning I never know where I'll find it. Once it was at the bottom of the bed by my feet. How'd that happen?? I am also convinced that I look super hot when I'm sleeping, just picture it... earplugs, eye mask, and wait for it... my retainer.

Yes, these are even the brand I use. They are the best, Pura Fit, if you are wondering.

Not the one I use, but quite similar

Happy sleeping everyone, and don't forget to set your clocks back tomorrow night!