Thursday, August 25, 2011

Who doesn't love (practically) free stuff??

So, I recently received a $10 off any $10 purchase at JCP... it took me a while to actually get myself to the store but as I noticed the expiration date nearing I made sure to get my hiney there! This is practically FREE money after all, since I didn't have to spend say... $25 to save $10. I LOVE this coupon, do you get them? I hope so because they are awesome. As I headed to the store I was thinking about what I would like to get... jewelry, socks, purse, socks, makeup, clothes?? So much to choose from! BUT in the back of my mind I knew that I wanted to spend as little as possible, I wanted to find an item(s) for as close to $10 as I could that way it was (practically) free. I browsed through the clearance rack, (which by the way had some super cute clothes, but alas I was not on a shopping spree... I had $10 to stick to), then moved to jewelry (again, found some cute things, had two pair of earrings I was trying to choose from at one point), then on to socks, tights, purses, leggings, even looked at the jeggings (yep, I know!). I couldn't decide on anything... ack! Now, don't get me wrong there were A LOT of things that I would've loved to have but if you know me at all you'd know that I don't make decisions easily... AND I was shopping alone! Finally, after putting everything that I had once been holding I wandered over to the scarves. I do love scarves. I started looking around and quickly found a few that were only $7.50!!! What??!! Yes, it is true. Of course, I couldn't get one since I had to at least spend $10 and that meant I got to pick TWO. Score! Two scarves for $5, I love this kind of shopping. I took a couple of picks with my new scarves, I just used Photo Booth on my computer so the quality is not great. BUT loving my scarves!
The picture doesn't show the beautiful colors...raspberry, strawberry, a little aqua and some lime. Sounds yummy, huh?

The blue one, so pretty too. I love wearing scarves.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Blogging Rule #1

I knew that I wanted to start a blog. Why?? Mostly just for fun!! I wanted it to be somewhere to share with friends and families about what's going on in my life. Before I started my blog I was reading up on blogging, and somewhere I read that it's not a good idea to have a blog about "whatever" so-to-speak, and to instead choose a topic that you know a lot about or a subject that you have passion for. Why?? Because apparently there are just too many blogs about nothing, too many people writing about too many topics makes for boring blogging. At first, I started worrying because his advice was basically telling me that my blog wouldn't be successful because it wasn't going to be about anything specific. In fact, I almost named my blog "A Little Bit of Everything" (thank you Erin!) because that's exactly what I wanted to write about! I don't have any specific topic and/or subject that I wanted to write about. Just the day to day, the happenings of my life, what I did today or experienced or felt. And whoever that person was wrote about rule #1 almost kept me from starting a blog... but then I decided to NOT CARE! I'm breaking blogging rule #1 and it feels good! I am a rule-following-people-pleaser and I always have been. But for now, regarding my blog I will write about what I know, and what I know is my life. This blog won't be all about crafts, babies (don't even have those yet!), or cooking. Will I include crafting? Yes. Will I write about cooking? Um... Maybe. Babies? Someday. Shopping, hair color, teaching, eating out, time with friends, my hubby, cleaning the house? FOR SURE because those are the things I know about (tomorrow I might even write about the amazing scarves I bought today). So, for today I hope you enjoy reading about a little bit of everything in My Lill' Life.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Me and my class(room)

I don't usually start getting back to school/work dreams until mid-August. But, lucky for me they started happening right after the school year ended, yup first one was in JUNE! What's up with that?? So, needless to say I've had school on the brain this whole summer. Now that is is actually mid-August I'm justifying to myself that it's okay for me to go to work to start getting things done. And I must say... it feels good!!! Yes, you are allowed to think I'm a complete dork for enjoying this one-on-one time with my classroom. It's just that I know it won't last too much longer, seeing as how my class will be filled with over 30 kiddos here pretty soon. Here are some pictures of the project I worked on today (never mind the purge of all things unnecessary out of my desk (no wasn't very pretty and I'm sure you wouldn't have wanted to see it!), but boy did that feel good!).

I know it's hard to see here, but these are my sketched out numbers.
On the back are the words I sketched, then I colored everything in with sharpies (another of my favorite things in life!).

They are going to be the table group signs!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This is it!

So... this is my first blog! I am welcoming myself to the official blogging community :) I have spent way too many hours today trying to make this blog exactly as I'd like it... and I eventually gave up! I am going to "pick and stick" as I tell my students, for now it is what it is. I have ideas in my mind as to how I'd like this blog to look (like how do I get my blog titles to be colored?? and how do I have a "cooler" template and what is a widget or a flavicon? and how do I list the blogs I follow? Am I revealing just how little I know about blogs??), but as I'm still a blogging newbie I'm just happy that I've made it this far. Thank you to everyone on FB for giving me the ideas to get going! So... welcome to My Lill' Life!