Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week 4: Something you Adore

Really? This was not hard at all...

Oh, hubby. You are amazing!

There's no way you could tell by looking at the picture, but it was actually snowing outside and we went out to lunch after church. It was crowded inside so we ate outside under the heating lamps. It was pretty fun, but also a quick eat!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Week 3: Breakie food

Week three asks to post a photo of breakfast, well this is what I eat nearly every morning. An occasional Saturday might provide some variety, but otherwise here it is. It is surprisingly (or not so surprisingly maybe??) filling and keeps me feeling full all through the morning! Oatmeal with blueberries, craisins (dried cranberries, but I'm pretty sure most people know craisins), and walnuts (used to use almonds until Costco stopped selling the ones we like).
Ooooh. It makes me hungry just thinking about it!
It's kind of a joke around here how hungry I am when I wake up! I just can't wait to eat my amazing breakfast. I used to be the person who would eat cold cereal every morning, and many different kinds too! I'd have 4-5 different cereals in my cupboard to choose from. I don't know how or when I became the kind of person to eat the same thing every morning, but I kind of love it! I probably love it because cold cereal never kept me feeling full all morning, I'd be hungry by first recess. Now, I'm good to go until it's lunch! Thank you hot oatmeal, you make me happy.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Planning on being a winner!

Hey ya'll! In case you're feeling lucky, follow the link at the bottom and try to be the big winner on Creo Photography's Valentine's day give-away (better be fast though, it ends tomorrow night!). BUT, I'm sorry to say that I'm actually going to win this giveaway :) However, if you want to give a go, or if you're just looking for a photographer check out her blog.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Snow(y) Days

What do you do on snow days? If today had been a school day I would have received an early morning call to stay home, but since it's a holiday I was off anyway. I'll still take it. I like snow days! We don't get too many of them here in Oregon, and my friends in Colorado would scoff at how it totally cripples us. I blame the fact that we aren't prepared with snow plows and studded tires and such things that would keep a town running during snow days. But that's part of why snow days are so fun around here, everything has to slow down, we don't know how to drive in the snow so we have to stay home with our fires blazing (if you're lucky enough to have a fire place, we are not so lucky), blankets pulled and cocoa steaming. Ok, I did none of those things. I did this (see below) on my snow day. Don't laugh. Ok, you can laugh.

Scary mask face!
It's fun to pamper yourself, even if you look like this (see above) for a while. I would be smiling because I was quite happy to have the time to treat myself to a face mask, but I literally couldn't. If you've ever had a mask, you know why :)

BUT, that's not all I did today. I also cleaned the house (don't get carried away, I didn't do everything! Hey, it's snow day I'm not supposed to be doing stuff like that. Remember the cozy blanket and cocoa scene??). I did some laundry, watched some How I Met Your Mother, fixed my painted nails that got ruined during house cleaning and now I'm thinking about catching up on some reading. Before I go, here's a perfect tree out our backyard.
love me some snow trees!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 2: Me

Week 2: Me
Welp. Here we are, a picture of me. You'd be surprised at how hard this was for me! I took way too many pictures than I'd like to disclose before finally settling. Kind of embarrassing actually how many pictures it took before I decided on one I wouldn't mind posting. I'm all cozied up here because we actually had a smattering of snow flakes today and it was fun to layer up (though, this is pretty much my normal outfit each winter day weather snow flakes or not!)

30 day challenge... adapted a bit

So, I found this as I was participating in my current obsession, browsing pinterest. So, I am going to use this to help me with my last photo-oping decision, which was not taking one picture per day but instead one per week. I'm just going to use these topics as my weekly ideas. So, last week was a sunset which means week #2 for me will be Photo A Day challenge #1, you (meaning me!)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Week 1: Sunset

Okay, being inspired by another blogger's 365 days of photos yet knowing there's no way I can do a picture a day coupled with a friend's encouragement of doing 52 weeks of pictures, here's my first picture:
Week 1: January Sunset
So, the plan is to take one picture a week of...well...whatever. I'm not going to stress about how it looks, if it's what other people might like, editing (mostly because I don't know how), composition... etc. I'll leave all that to the professionals :) I'm just going to snap a pic of something that I like or that inspires me or that makes me happy or sad or joyful or blessed or whatever I might be feeling or excited about. I think you get the idea. I know there might not be anything particularly exciting about this sunset picture, there are millions of sunset pictures. This one was what I was looking at as I decided to take on this project. I am lucky enough to that this is my view from our dining table. Thank you Lord for your beautiful creation. I am truly blessed.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Winter Time

Well, hello again! I'm not exactly sure how it happened but it's been weeks since I've gotten on here. I'm going to blame the winter time. For some reason, winter time just feels so busy for me. I know most bloggers have way more on their plates than me, especially mom bloggers! However, for some reason the time that I have available that I should have sat down to blog, I chose to do other things. Like, be lazy. No real excuses here. I have plenty of things that I could have written about. Here are some topics that I had thought of blogging about and never got around to it:

1) Family time during the holidays
2) nail polish (soo fun at Christmas time)
3) my new addiction/love/time waster... pinterest
4) books I've been reading and books I want to read. I love books!
5) how I feel totally tired and withdrawn during the winter months and secretly want to go to a tanning bed just to feel warm and get some UV rays but won't allow myself because well... it's a tanning bed
6) how I never even decorated for Christmas. what's wrong with me?
7) trip to Redding
8) new years resolution(s)
9) all the Friday favorites that I've missed
10) Christmas light looking with friends
11) trying to figure out photoshop (help!!)
12) my new bangs (Bangs...on which the world hangs)... if you know the song that lyric goes to BONUS points for you!

There's a few topics to get me motivated, let's see how far I can get. Maybe one of my new years resolutions should be to keep up on my blogging, just add it to the list! My list is continually growing, let's hope I can keep at least some of them. I saw a friend's new blog (she already has one) and got totally jealous of what she's doing but I figured if I can't even keep up with the one I shouldn't start another one. She's doing 365 days of pictures (except it'll be 366 since it's a leap year), one picture a day for the whole year. Sounds pretty cool, maybe in 2013??

Happy New Year everyone!